Your feedback collected in one place
Quevy allows you to gether feedback from a target audience. It can be your business, a conference or even a survey. Very convenient , users can easily send in feedback, suggestions or questions through unique codes connected to your business.
Dashboard View
Easily organize feedback
QR code
Customize a unique QR code
AI Powered
Generate useful inofrmation
from feedback collected
Got customers or users ? Feedback just got easier
Customers have questions about your product or might have some feedback. Quevy serves as the right platform to gather this feedback. You also get to perform some AI processing to get insight from feedback generated over time.
Sign Up/Sign In
Easy sign up process if you are on the receiving end. Customers dont have to sign up.
Generate Unique Code / QR code
Generate a 5 digit code that is unique to only you. You get a QR code automatically generated. Image this code QR on all your products
Share / Print Quevy Code
Easily distribute this code on social media and have them printed on your products, shop or given to an audience in a conference
AI Powered
What is data if it does not provide any information. We use AI models to generate useful metrics for your business
Useful metrics for your business and products
After you collect feedback from users what is next? Quevy provides you with the platform to view metrics and suggestions based on data collected
You can also use Quevy to do organize surveys and polls . A very convenient way to interract with customers and your audience
A dashboard to manage feedback
QR Code
Get your QR code out there
We have some fans.
Dennis Machu
Chief Executive Officer
Conduction surveys got much easier with Quevy. We were able to get direct feedback from our user. Awesome tool
Phelim Isichei
I had a technical talk and I could eaily take questions from the audience uusing Quevy. I even knew the pain points of my audience before I got on stage because they sent it all to me.
Nunya Klah
I wanted some suggestions from feedback I collected. Quevy with its AI powered models gave me just that
Latest Articles
Here we post articles on Quevy including onboarding guides, tips and tricks. technical articles on how webuild our infastructure would be coming in soon !